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Robby chillin' w/ Malibu Gym after a show in Las Vegas.

actual testimony:

I was up late one night reading the news paper and I came across an ad saying that the Robby Krieger band would be playing in Lincoln Nebraska at Knickerbockers. I was shocked that a Rock N Roll hall of famer would be playing in a dirt venue like Knickerbockers. On Tuesday I drove 60 miles to Lincoln stopped at ticketmaster and paid $18.00 + $4.25 service fee for a ticket to the show. I arrived at knickerbockers at 7:30pm and a small line was already forming for the 9:00 show. The doors opened at 8:00 and I was lucky enough to get one of 10 seats on the balcony. The opening band was awful and the beer was warm. A little after 10 The Robby Krieger band took the stage they played all of my favorite Doors songs.   They even Played my Favorite doors song Love Street I was shocked that they played this tune because our local classic Rock station The Eagle does not even play this one. The show was great It worth every penny of the $22.25   that I spent on the ticket



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